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“停一停、查清楚、防诈骗”宣传活动 鼓励澳大利亚人提高防骗反诈意识


“停一停、查清楚、防诈骗”宣传活动 鼓励澳大利亚人提高防骗反诈意识

Australia Goverment Australia Goverment 01-29 14:53

全国反诈骗中心(National Anti-Scam Centre)表示,全新推出的公共意识宣传活动将为澳大利亚人民提供必要的防骗反诈武器,致力使澳大利亚成为诈骗分子难以得逞的目标。

澳大利亚政府已经发起“Stop. Check. Protect.”(停一停、查清楚、防诈骗)全国宣传活动,通过教育社区了解认识各种“完美”的诈骗手段,让公众意识到每个人都可能十分容易上当受骗。宣传活动同时旨在向受害者赋权,鼓励他们通过诈骗防范网站Scamwatch举报。



澳大利亚竞争和消费者事务委员会(ACCC)副主席Catriona Lowe表示,越来越多的犯罪分子正在广泛利用人工智能等新兴技术,冒充受公众信赖的机构组织,四处施诈,骗取澳大利亚人的钱财。在这种环境下,建立强化社区的防骗反诈韧性凸显重要。



· 停一停:如果不确定,不要付钱或把个人信息告诉任何人。

· 查清楚:想一想正在与你打交道的一方是谁,然后问自己,这些信息或电话可能是假的吗?

· 反诈骗:一旦感到不对劲,立即采取保护行动。向Scamwatch举报诈骗。你的举报将有助我们保护其他人。

“Stop. Check. Protect.”(停一停、查清楚、防诈骗)宣传活动将通过电视、在线视频和社交媒体平台推出。一系列其他举措将配合本次活动,以提高澳大利亚长者、原住民以及文化和语言多样化社区等弱势群体的防骗反诈意识。






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How to spot and avoid scams

Scams work because they look like the real thing and scammers create a sense of urgency, contact you when you’re not expecting it, or busy trying to do many things at once.  Criminals take advantage of new technology, new products or services and major events to create believable stories that convince you to give them your money, financial or personal details.

Always stop and check before you act. Scammers rely on you not spotting the warning signs because you're panicked or in a hurry, you don't want to miss something that looks like a great deal, or because it seems like it's from someone you trust.

Warning signs it might be a scam

It can be hard to spot a scam, but there are some warning signs to watch for:

· It's an amazing opportunity to make or save money: Scammers trick you into believing you’re getting an incredible deal or offer. They pressure you to act quickly so you don’t miss out. Remember - deals that seem too good to be true, usually are.

· Someone you haven't met needs your help – and money: Scammers try to use your good nature against you. They tell heartbreaking or tragic stories to convince you to help them and give them money. Always be wary of any appeal for money and never give money unless you can independently confirm that the story is true.

· The message contains links or attachments: Never automatically click a link or attachment you receive via email or text. Scammers try to catch you off guard and send you to scam websites designed to steal your information and money. Always make sure that the sender is who they say they are and that you know what you are opening. It's safest to find the information yourself by going to the official website or app rather than clicking on a link.

· You feel pressured to act quickly: Scammers don’t want you to take your time to think things through. They use techniques designed to catch you off guard and rush you, like saying if you don’t do this now you’ll miss out or threatening that something bad will happen.

· They ask you to pay in an unusual or specific ways: If a person asks you to pay with preloaded debit cards, iTunes cards, or virtual currency like Bitcoin, chances are it's a scam. Once this money is spent, you can’t get it back.

· They ask you to set up new accounts or PayIDs: If someone asks you to set up a new bank account or PayID to pay them or be paid by them, this is a clear sign you should be suspicious. It could be a scam or money laundering. Your bank will never ask you to open new accounts to keep your money safe. Stop and check who you are dealing with.


‘Stop. Check. Protect.’ to put a stop to scammers 


· STOP. Stop and think before you act. Don't give money or personal information to anyone if unsure.

Scammers will pretend to be from organisations you know and trust like businesses, the police, your bank or government services. They will offer to help you or ask you to verify your identity with them.


· CHECK. Consider who you're dealing with and ask yourself, could the message or call be fake?

Never click a link in a message. Only contact businesses or government using contact information that you find yourself from their official website or app. If you’re not sure, say ‘no’, hang up or delete.


· PROTECT. Act quickly to protect yourself if something feels wrong. 

Contact your bank immediately if you notice unusual activity or if a scammer gets your money or information. Seek help and report the scam or any suspicious contact or activity to Scamwatch. Your report will help us protect others.


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